Europeana Sounds aggregation and mid-year meeting

Un an et demi après le lancement du projet d’Europeana Sounds, une seconde session  d’entraînement a été organisée par le NTUA1 du 24 au 26 juin 2015 à Athènes.

Durant ce rassemblement ont été abordées les questions juridiques2 appliquées aux objets culturels, avec une présentation des licences Creative Commons, et d’outils permettant de guider ce choix tels que l’ Europeana Rights Statement Selection Tool et Out of Copyright.

L’enrichissement des contenus par le crowdsourcing a également fait l’objet d’une discussion, durant laquelle ont été présentés des outils collaboratifs comme le widget d’annotation Pundit ou encore le module TunePal permettant d’identifier des morceaux de musique traditionnelle irlandaise. Ces outils seront intégrés au futur module de Music Channel en même temps que d’être aggrégés directement sur les sites des institutions.

Une session de travail sur l’outil d’ingestion MINT -Metadata INTeroperability services- a été menée afin d’explorer les fonctionnalités avancées, du mapping et du thésaurus, mis en place pour faciliter l’interopérabilité des données.

Enfin, un bilan du projet a été communiqué, avec un chiffre de 26 620 enregistrements déjà publiés sur le portail Europeana Sounds.

Vous trouverez ci-dessous le programme de cette deuxième session d’entraînement :


Wednesday, June 24 – “Metadata Training Session: IPR”

14,00-14,10 Introduction (Lisette Kalshoven, KL)

14,10-14,50 IPR in cultural heritage & ELF

14,50-15,15 Determining edm:rights using tools

15,15-16,00 Working with use cases

Setting the purpose for the afternoon

How IPR broadly works in cultural heritage objects, with special attention for the specifics of the Creative

Commons licenses and how the Europeana Licensing Framework works

Using the Europeana Right Statement chooser & to make choosing an edm:rights value easier

Using examples from Europeana (Sounds) to walk through some complicated cases. Bring in your own use case, so we can help each other!

16,00-16,20 Coffee break

16,20-16,40 WP3 update &

Update of the process WP3 is in, trying to make licensing solutions easier with the rights holder consultation and creating policy recommendation. Also, a quick update on the work that we Europeana is doing with

16,40-17,00 Next Steps & Close

14,00-17,00 Planning the further development of Channels

Parallel Meeting WP4 – “Channels Development planning session”

(This is not an open session. The meeting is intended for invited WP4 technical partners)

The purpose of the meeting is to set goals for and create a roadmap of Channels development for the next 12 months or so.

National Technical University of Athens – MINT team

Thursday, June 25 – “WP2 Crowdsourcing enrichment” – “WP5 Metadata ingestion”

09,00-09,30 Coffee and Welcome

09,30-10,00 Introduction to WP2 and the work accomplished in Y1 (Maarten Brinkerink, NISV)

10,00-11,00 Introduction of the work planned in Y2 related to crowdsourcing enrichments divided into:

1. Enrichment related work in the Europeana Core Infrastructure and Music Channel (Remy Gardien, EF & Sergiu

2. The crowdsourcing widget for Data Providers websites (Alessio Piccioli, NET7)

3. The HistoryPin Traditional Music Pilot (Konstantin Dankov, Shift)

11,00-11,20 Coffee break

11,20-12,45 Working session based on a home work assignment. Gordea, AIT)

This session will focus on investigating what types of enrichment – that are part of the planned work – would be most suitable to these tracks.

Homework for Data Providers: Please send us 5 representative examples from your collection (metadata and content), that in your opinion are suitable for inclusion in the Music Channel.

12,45-14,00 Lunch break

“WP1 Aggregation: First Sounds on Europeana and Next Steps”

14,00-14,15 Welcome and presentation of the workshop

14,15-15,15 Metadata ingestion plan: targets, reporting progress (Tom Miles, BL)

15,15-15.30 Coffee break

15,30-16,15 Europeana Sounds publication into Europeana (Cécile Devarenne, EF)

16,00-16,45 Recap of the previous training session (Nikos Simou, NTUA+ Cécile Devarenne, EF)

16,45-17,00 Q&A session

National Technical University of Athens – MINT team

Friday, June 26 – “WP5 MINT training”

9,30-11,00 Short introduction to the RDF Model based on the EDM sounds profile: already uploaded them on MINT)

– Relate items to collections using MINT

11,00-11,15 Coffee break

11,15-13,00 Advanced mappings:

– The following mapping functionalities will be covered with examples

o Functional mapping

o Conditional mapping

o Value mapping

o Structural mapping

o Structural on any element

o Thesauri mapping

13,00-14,00 Lunch break

14,00-15,30 Europeana Publication:

– Item and Europeana Preview, transformation and validation, publication and OAI manager

15,30-15,45 Coffee break

15,45-17,30 Q&A session

Crédits photographiques : Maarten Brinkerink, Session on crowdsourcing enrichments, Music Library, Athens Concert Hall, 25 June 2015, Athens.  (CC BY-NC 2.0)

  1. National Technical University of Athens []
  2. Intellectual Property Rights []

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