On October 17th, in the middle of the Open Access Week, and in the frame of the Europeana Sounds program, we invite you to join us in an afternoon dedicated to the annotation of the MMSH sound archives in order to help us to enrich our sourds with a focus on the geolocation. You will tag on History Pin a set of oral history interviews from the MMSH Sound Archives Center. For this session, we choose two very different historical periods : a collection about oral memory of Armenians living in Bouches-du-Rhône (South of France), and an other about french people in Algeria in the middle of the 20th century ; both are under creative commons CC-BY.
Thanks to History Pin, you will have the possibility to add contextual information to the collection such as photographs, videos, other sound recordings, articles, or other pieces of relevant information which can be a contextual links to articles on Wikipedia, media on Wikimedia or scientific articles on HAL…
Have fun with the sounds and history!
You are welcomed on Monday, October 17th at MMSH to 2:00PM (room 10) to participate in this collaborative project.
Registration madatory here.
Cite this article / Citer ce billet : Véronique Ginouvès, Hélène Giudicissi, Ariane Néroulidis, “Enriching MMSH’s sound archives : participate in a collaborative afternoon on October 17th,” in Les carnets de la phonothèque, 3 octobre 2016, https://phonotheque.hypotheses.org/20278.
Crédits photographiques : Illustration de la page 5 du “Cook’s practical guide to Algeria and Tunisia” (1908), domaine public par Thomas Cook, publié par London : T. Cook & Son, domaine public.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Ceux qui passent à la phonothèque (3 octobre 2016). Enriching MMSH’s sound archives : participate in a collaborative afternoon on October 17th. Archives de la recherche & Phonothèque. Consulté le 12 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/sv7x