Archives de catégorie : anglais

Call for contributions, AFAS : Voices of the South

For issue 49 of Sonorités. Bulletin de l’AFAS, titled "Voices of the South (Guiana, Latin America, Caribbean, West Africa): When speech becomes authoritative and oral serves as a writing of history," a call for contributions is launched in both English and French. The dossier is directed by Jean Moomou, professor at the University of Guyana, and Anaskesa Apollinaire, professor at the University of the Antilles.

Voices of the South (Guyanas, Latin America, Caribbean, West Africa): When speech becomes authoritative and oral serves as a writing of history

French version

Continuer la lecture de Call for contributions, AFAS : Voices of the South

Oral History Training, Qatar National Library, Doha, 12-14 December 2023

From 12 to 14 December 2023, the Qatar National Library (QNL) is holding oral history training sessions drawing on the expertise of the Phonothèque/Research Archives Department of the MMSH Media Library in Aix en Provence, France.

Program Continuer la lecture de Oral History Training, Qatar National Library, Doha, 12-14 December 2023

Matera, 5:45 pm: presentation of a book and a collection of recorded interviews

On Monday, October 9, 2023, at 5:45 PM, at the University of Basilicata, the MMSH Phonothèque (Sound Archives) will be in Matera to promote the book Sassi e memoria : etnografie per un archivio delle voci (2022) edited by Ferdinando Mirizzi and Vita Santoro. This event provides an opportunity to highlight the oral testimonies collected for the project I-DEA – Matera 2019.

Lire le billet en langue française / Leggere il post in italiano

Continuer la lecture de Matera, 5:45 pm: presentation of a book and a collection of recorded interviews

Escuchar para leer a la sociedad – Listening to read society, May 2023, Mexico City

El Seminario de lnvestigación de Estudios de la Información sonora, violencia acústica y educación de la escucha (SIEIS)  del lnstituto de lnvestigaciones Bibliotecológicas y de la lnformación (11B1) de la UNAM invita a participar en las actividades abiertas los días 12, 19 y 26 de mai.

The workshop on Sound Information Studies, Acoustic Violence and Education in Listening (SIEIS) of the Library and Information UNAM Research Institute (11B1) welcomes you to join us for the open activities on May 12, 19 & 26. Continuer la lecture de Escuchar para leer a la sociedad – Listening to read society, May 2023, Mexico City

RESAW2023 Registration – Explorer le web archivé dans une période de bouleversements / Exploring the Archived Web During a Highly Transformative Age

RESAW Conference 2023 : Explorer le web archivé dans une période de bouleversements

Inscriptions ouvertes jusqu’au 30 avril

Conférence RESAW 2023: Exploring the Archived Web During a Highly Transformative Age

Registration is now open

5 & 6 juin/June 2023

What will remain in thirty years’ time of the satirical videos published online during the imprisonment, the websites of the NGOs mobilised in Ukraine, the student groups on social networks or the academic journals? How can we study, preserve and transmit this native digital heritage at a time when technological, environmental and political changes are disrupting the production and dissemination of knowledge and shaking up certainties about ethics and democracy? Continuer la lecture de RESAW2023 Registration – Explorer le web archivé dans une période de bouleversements / Exploring the Archived Web During a Highly Transformative Age

Polyvocality of the archives, May 25th, Aix-en-Provence, MMSH

Polyvocal Interpretations of Contested Colonial Past

Many memory institutions across Europe contain holdings connected with its colonial past which for many years has been a focus of contestation from both communities of origin, ethnic minorities and civil society at large. At the same time challenging questions are being asked by professionals in the field as to what to do with this problematic cultural heritage, from returning items when appropriate, to rewriting the historical context surrounding them in a more critical and inclusive way (…). The overall outcome of PICCH is to engender a polyvocality that can be incorporated into the archive itself providing new ways to enter and explore the past via a contemporary interpretative frame. To this effect advanced technologies will be used to study how to bridge archival and contemporary languages, and to support transnational exploration of multiple archives via a single interactive user interface.

First workshop in Aix-en-Provence, on May 25th pm (2:00-4:00) – Online by Zoom and Salle Seurat (MMSH) Continuer la lecture de Polyvocality of the archives, May 25th, Aix-en-Provence, MMSH

Il est encore temps pour participer au 10e anniversaire de FRAME !

Il y a 10 ans, l’INA organisait la toute première édition du programme de formation professionnelle FRAME, avec le soutien de la Fédération Internationale des Archives de Télévision – FIAT/IFTA,  European Broadcasting Union – EBU Academy, et des partenaires associés1. FRAME est cofinancé par le programme Europe Créative – MEDIA de l’Union européenne.

Depuis 2010, 18 sessions de formation de FRAME ont été organisées à l’INA ou dans les locaux de ses partenaires européens – le Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision en 2017, RTÉ – Raidió Teilifís Éireann – Radio Television of Ireland en 2018 et TVR – Televiziunea Româna – Télévision publique de Roumanie en 2019, 177 professionnels ont été formés par 121 formateurs venus de 44 pays.

Pour la première fois, FRAME Tech 2021 se tiendra e ligne pendant 6 demi journées du 17 au 24 novembre. Il est encore temps pour vous de vous inscrire en ligne : Continuer la lecture de Il est encore temps pour participer au 10e anniversaire de FRAME !

  1. Le Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision et meemoo. []

La phonothèque présente à la FIAT, FRAME-Tech 2021

Since 2010, Ina organises the annual training programme FRAME in partnership with FIAT/IFTA (International Federation of Television Archives) and EBU Academy (European Broadcasting Union). FRAME is a co-funded by the Creative Europe – MEDIA programme of the European Union. The FRAME training programme consists in 3 sessions per year, which cover each step of the audiovisual archival content management. FRAME Tech 2021 will take place online from 17 until 24 November 2021. It will focus on the technical aspects of the preservation and management of physical and digital audiovisual archives. This year the Phonothèque – Sound archives Center is participating in a round table discussion in session 2c for the FIAT IFTA conference at 4pm on 19th October to explore working together. Continuer la lecture de La phonothèque présente à la FIAT, FRAME-Tech 2021

The Insabbiati at the Sound Archives : consult the Fabienne Le Houérou fund, an oral history of italiens in Ethiopia and Eritrea

Fabienne Le Houérou, historian, director of research emeritus at the National Center for Scientific Research (Centre National de Recherche Scientifique – CNRS) in contemporary history, is a specialist in colonial history within the Research Institute of the Arab and Muslim World (Institut de Recherche du Monde Arabe et Musulman – IREMAM) at the Mediterranean House of Human Sciences (Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme – MMSH) of Aix-en-Provence.

Continuer la lecture de The Insabbiati at the Sound Archives : consult the Fabienne Le Houérou fund, an oral history of italiens in Ethiopia and Eritrea

Assassination of Lokman Slim (1962-2021): homage from the academic community

The death of Lokman Slim, cowardly assassinated on February 3, 2021, in southern Lebanon, raises deep feelings of sadness and revolt.

Lokman Slim was a man of culture and engagement. He paid a heavy price for his freedom of thought and his uncompromising freedom of speech.

Humanities and social scientists working in the Near East have regularly benefited from Lokman Slim’s work through Umam Research & Documentation, an association he co-directed with his wife Monika Borgmann. Umam was created in 2004 with a twofold objective: to build a citizen archives centre accessible to as many people as possible, and to raise public awareness on the subjects of war and violence through the arts. Together, they also founded the Hangar, a cultural centre in which many exhibitions have been organized, notably on memories of the war and of the Ghobeiri district where it was located. The building of an archive of Lebanon’s contemporary and present history constitutes a significant contribution to the work research in the field.

Lokman Slim was committed to the development of an open and democratic society in Lebanon. He was a main actor of Lebanon’s cultural life. In 1990, together with his sister, the writer Racha Al-Ameer, he founded Dar Al-Jadeed editions. Its innovative choices had a key impact on the Lebanese and Arab publishing landscape. With Monika Borgmann, he made two essential documentaries: Massaker (2004) is based on the testimonies of former militiamen who participated in the massacres in the Palestinian camps of Sabra and Chatila in 1982; Tadmor (2016) focused on the daily life of detainees in the Syrian prison of Tadmor (Palmyra).

Lokman Slim was also a lively and impactful writer and speaker. He spoke in a chiselled language, in Arabic as well as in French or English. Two of his writings, available in French, testify to the delicacy and refinement of his reflections and his uncompromising love of Lebanon: “Lebanese peace, or the art of reconciliation without moderation”((translated from French to English by the author)) (Liban. Espaces partagés et pratiques de rencontre, Cahiers de l’Ifpo, 2008 [Online] and “Beyrouth. A capital which capitulates “(Beyrouth à mots découpés”), Poitiers, 2000, in which he revealed a few false pretences of Beirut and the publishing profession.

This assassination raises fears of a new cycle of violence targeting intellectuals. The academic community engaged in the study and research of Near Eastern societies associates with the grief of Lokman Slim’s family and honours his memory.[SL1]

With the support of CERMOM – Centre de recherches Moyen-Orient Méditerranée/Inalco,  CéSor – Centre d’études en sciences sociales du religieux (UMR 8216 – EHESS / CNRS), Ifpo – Institut français du Proche-Orient (UMIFRE 6 / USR 3135-MEAE / CNRS), Sciences-Po CERI – Centre de recherches international, département “Etudes arabes” de l’Inalco Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales –  IREMAM – Institut de recherches et d’études sur les mondes arabes et musulmans (UMR 7310 – CNRS), MMSH – Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l’homme USR 3125 (AMU/CNRS, GIS Moyen-Orient et Mondes Musulmans, SEMOMM – Société des études sur le Moyen-Orient et les Mondes musulmans, Unité de Recherches Migrations et Société (IRD UMR 205 URMIS).

Emma Aubin-Boltanski (CéSOR), Sandra Barrère, (Université Bordeaux-Montaigne, laboratoire TELEM), Hamit Bozarslan (CETOBaC), Myriam Catusse (IREMAM), Frédérik Detue (Université Côte d’Azur), Kamel Doraï (Ifpo), Véronique Ginouvès (MMSH Phonothèque), Eberhard Kienle (CERI), Pauline Koetschet (Ifpo), Stéphanie Latte-Abdallah (CERI), Franck Mermier (IFEA), Sabrina Mervin (CéSOR), René Otayek (Sciences Po Bordeaux/LAM), Anna Poujeau (Ifpo), Nicolas Puig (IRD UMR 205), Candice Raymond (Ifpo), Jean-Christophe Peyssard (MMSH), Elsa zakhia (Ifpo).

For an international investigation into the assassination of Lokman Slim:

French language:

Photographic credits: Lokman Slim leading a round table on “Sharing digital data in the Middle East” on May 29, 2019, during the international conference New digital archives in the Middle East: sound, image, film and the web. Challenges of sharing field data in Lebanon, Jordan and Syria, photograph V. Ginouvès, CC-BY

More information (selection on Zotero).