Archives par mot-clé : enquête orale

Sound archives on the new family models in Algeria at the end of 1980s

Between January and June 2017, the “Secteur archives de la recherche” (archives department), of the  Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l’homme – Mediterranean center for Humanities and Social Sciences (MMSH) Médiathèque/Libray in Aix-en-Provence, digitised a sound collection recorded in 1987 and 1988 in Algeria by the Algerian socio-anthropologist Faouzi Adel (1947-1999). Adel Faouzi studied philosophy and sociology at the University of Algiers and then defended his first thesis in French at the Université Libre de Bruxelles in 1978, « Les changements socio-économiques dans l’Algérie coloniale de 1830 à 1914 » [Socio-Economic Changes in Colonial Algeria Between 1830 and 1914] comes in 2 volumes, available on line. In 1990, he defended another thesis : « Formation du lien conjugal et nouveaux modèles familiaux en Algérie » [Conjugal Bond Building and New Family Models in Algeria] in Paris. The thesis has never been published but we have digitised it and it is available online. Continuer la lecture de Sound archives on the new family models in Algeria at the end of 1980s