Archives par mot-clé : musicologie

MedMus Summer School Call for Participation: Archive, Corpus, Creation

The call for participation for the summer school Archives, Corpus, Creation targets Master’s and doctoral students who wish to adopt a multidisciplinary approach to the creation of archival corpora traversed by sound creation. The school is being run over two sessions. The first will take place in Aix-en-Provence (1-3 July 2025), on the theme Collecting, centralising, classifying: how and why to create a music archive? The second in Lisbon (15-17 September 2025) on the theme Writing a history of the Mediterranean through the music archive: processes and issues involved in the patrimonialisation of music. The text below sets out the school’s objectives and explains how to respond to the call for entries. Please respond by 30 January.

Call registration extended to 7 February!

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