Archives par mot-clé : #RecipesProject

Qu’est-ce qu’une bonne recette de cuisine sonore en 5 étapes ?

Le projet Recipes – Food, Magic, Art, Science, and Medicine organise pendant les mois de juin et juillet une conférence virtuelle autour de la question “Qu’est-ce qu’une recette / What is a recipe ?“.  Les deux historiennes à l’origine de ce scientifique et savoureux projet, Lisa Smith (Université de l’Essex) et Laurence Totelin (Université de Cardiff), ont repéré dans leur veille documentaire les billets de Mathilde Bresc les derniers lundis du mois sur les Carnets de la phonothèque  qui présentent des recettes de cuisine issues de nos fonds sonores. Elles ont sollicité l’équipe de la phonothèque pour qu’elle participe à la question virtuelle des mois de juin et juillet “What is a recipe ?”. Cela a poussé l’équipe de la phonothèque à définir ce qu’est une “bonne recette sonore”. Aussi, après nos Five steps to a good « sound archive recipe » voilà,  en langue française, ce que nous considérons être une bonne recette sonore en 5 étapes. Continuer la lecture de Qu’est-ce qu’une bonne recette de cuisine sonore en 5 étapes ?

Five steps to a good “sound archive recipe”

It’s more than two years since the MMSH Sound Archives Team1 started to publish recipes on its scholarly blog Les carnets de la phonothèque from records in the field. At the beginning it was mostly a question of highlighting archives rarely used or unknown…

The MMSH Sound Archive Center ‘Phonothèque’2 It  holds more than 8000 hours of sound archives and more than 6000 hours have been digitized and are presented in an online catalogue3 ; around 3000 hours of sound recordings are directly accessible online. As we wished to highlight part of these collections, we choose to write posts about sound archives topics and of course, recipes was simple to choose: short playing, precise topic, organized with a beginning and an end. So, since November 2014, we publish (ed )every last Monday of the month a recipe linked to a field recording research by an anthropologist, a historian, a sociologist; 27 so far, so…

What is a good “sound archive recipe”?
Actually the recipes-madness has caught us! Each time a new archive collection is deposited at the MMSH Sound Archive Center, there is a question on all our minds: will there be a good sound archive recipe in it? By the way, the  Recipes Project prompts us to ask ourselves a challenging question: What is a good sound archive recipe? Here is the answer in 5 steps: Continuer la lecture de Five steps to a good “sound archive recipe”

  1. Mathilde Bresc, documentalist, suggests us every month a recipe picked up in  Ganoub, the sound archive database and editorialize it. []
  2. The Phonothèque is an archival research center, created at the end of the 1970’s by Philippe Joutard, a contemporary historian, and Jean-Claude Bouvier, a specialist in ethnic dialects, both wishing not only to preserve their recordings and to have field interviews published, but also seeked to make their sources available for the general public. When the sound archive center was integrated in the “Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l’homme” (MMSH) in 1997 it opened to all the Humanities and Social Sciences with a focus on the Mediterranean area. []
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