RESAW Conference 2023 : Explorer le web archivé dans une période de bouleversements
Inscriptions ouvertes jusqu’au 30 avril
Conférence RESAW 2023: Exploring the Archived Web During a Highly Transformative Age
5 & 6 juin/June 2023
What will remain in thirty years’ time of the satirical videos published online during the imprisonment, the websites of the NGOs mobilised in Ukraine, the student groups on social networks or the academic journals? How can we study, preserve and transmit this native digital heritage at a time when technological, environmental and political changes are disrupting the production and dissemination of knowledge and shaking up certainties about ethics and democracy? Continuer la lecture de RESAW2023 Registration – Explorer le web archivé dans une période de bouleversements / Exploring the Archived Web During a Highly Transformative Age